Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Film Poster Analysis - My Sisters Keeper


On the front of this poster, there are pictures of the 3 main characters in the film, but you’ll also find they’re also the most well-known and famous characters in the film. By having these 3 people on the poster, advertising the film, will potentially bring in a wide audience, as the three characters have been in various different films, so will most probably have “fans”, also people will know the names of the actresses, and if they have been in a film previously that they like, they may go and see this one. The next point in the poster I noticed was the colour of the background, green. The colour green, to me, symbolises growth and hope, reflecting on Kate, the girl who has cancer, the hope that her illness will go away, yet it still leaves you wondering.
Again, at the top of the poster on the left hand side, it has the names of the two most famous actresses in the film – Cameron Diaz well known for the film “There’s something about Mary” and Abigail Breslin well known from the film “Little Miss Sunshine”. 
In the picture of Kate, down the bottom right hand corner, she is blowing bubbles. The symbol of someone blowing bubbles gives the impression that they are having fun and enjoying themselves, which is nice to see as everyone knows that she is the girl that isn’t very well.
In the middle of the poster, there is the headline of what the film is called: “my sister’s keeper”. However, they haven’t followed any conventions here, as it is all in lower case. I personally think that this has been done to give a gentle and soothing feel, and not make it seem as sharp and harsh.
At the very top of the poster, there is some writing saying “From the director of the notebook” -
Nick Cassavetes was the man who directed both of these films. If someone had read that quote and seen that Cassavetes was the director who directed “my sisters keeper” this may make them really want to watch this film, as they enjoy all the films that he directs. The same as if someone had seen that quote and was a massive fan of the notebook, they would automatically be drawn to go and see “my sisters keeper” as it would have some similarities to the notebook.
In small writing it also says that it is based on the “best selling novel” this would automatically again, draw the viewers in as they would know that the book was successful so the film would most probably be aswell.

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