Thursday, 4 December 2014

Trailer Magazine: Masthead Trial

Masthead Trial
The first thing I felt needed doing when I started on my trailer magazine was deciding on what I was going to call my magazine, in which I decided to call it "The Cineaste" which means someone who is very enthusiastic about the cinema or is into film making, so fitted in well with my magazine. I then went on to decide what font I could put my masthead in. From this, I went on and trialled some fonts and saw which one I preferred. In the end I decided on the top font on the picture which was "Arno pro". I decided on this font as I wanted my masthead to be quite naturalistic due to the genre my magazine and trailer were. However, I then went on to decide what font I wanted to put "The" in. I decided that as "Cineaste" was in a rather natural font, to do the "The" in a more handwriting font, in which would still make it slightly naturalistic but also give it a different and more exciting feel. I decided to go with number 3 on the picture below, this is as it looked "handwritten", was clear to read and also made my poster and masthead look extremely fancy and professional, which was my intention. 

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